&hint1=I am a slate statue from the 2nd or 3rd century BCE& &hint2=I was created in Gandhara, which is modern-day Pakistan& &hint3=The inner peace of my subject is shown through his outer form& &hint4=I am a representation of an enlightened religious teacher& &choices=Apollo with Centaur and Lapith Woman;Standing Buddha, Sarnath;Ganesha;Standing Buddha, from Takht-I-Bahai;Seated Buddha Preaching the First Sermon;Adoration of the Bodhi tree& &answer=Standing Buddha, from Takht-I-Bahai& &search=Standing Buddha Gandhara& &title=Standing Buddha, from Takht-I-Bahai, Gandhara (modern-day Pakistan)& &artist=& &medium=Slate& &date=c.2nd or 3rd century BCE& &location=Museum fur Indische Kunst, Berlin& &dimensions=height 7'6"&